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A “Beer Clean” Glass: What It is and Why It Matters

A “Beer Clean” Glass: What It is and Why It Matters

Your glass may seem clean. There may not be any visible residue or staining, but is it “beer clean?”

“Beer clean” is an industry term for a glass free of any impurities that would give CO2 a place to cling. Even a small amount of oil, sanitizer or detergent can compromise the taste of your beer, reduce the amount of foam/head, impact the carbonation and even the look of your beer.

So how can you tell if your glass is beer clean?

The Sheeting Test

Start with an empty glass and dip it entirely in water. If the glass is beer clean, water will evenly coat the glass (like a sheet) when removed from the water. If there is an invisible film, the water will break up into droplets on the inside surface.

The Salt Test

Start with an empty glass and pour water on the inside of the glass. Then, sprinkle salt inside. If the glass is beer clean, salt will adhere evenly to the surface of the glass. If there is any grease, oil, or residue, the distribution will be uneven – adhering heavily to the oily spots.

And once you have a beer clean glass, you’ll want to keep it that way! Here are tips for that:

Have a Designated Beer Glass

This may seem like a strict rule for a household, but it helps to reserve a glass or two or three for beers. If you’re drinking milk or soda from the same glass as your beer, the oils and sugars will remain behind even after the glass appears clean.

Be Sure to Clean Well

Consider using baking soda or salt to remove pesky and invisible residue from your beer glasses.

Be Sure to Rinse Well

You should always rinse your glass with clean, cold water and drain right before pouring. This will help rinse out any detergent, but it will also eliminate any dust which may have landed in the glass since it was last washed.

Be Sure to Rinse Again!

When you’ve finished your beer, rinse and clean your beer glasses again. Don’t let any beer set and dry in the bottom.

Drip Dry Your Glass

After your final rinse, drip dry your glassware upside down on a tray. This allows for proper ventilation. Air drying is preferred as drying towels can leave behind odors or lint.

Now that you know what a beer clean glass is, you’ll never settle for less.


